engaging education (e2) is a student initiated outreach and retention center at UCSC for student engagement and academic excellence. e2 provides a supportive and dynamic space for programming that addresses the low rates of recruitment, retention and graduation that historically underrepresented and under-resourced communities face within higher education.
Dr. Taylor is a nationally recognized author, scholar, activist and professor of African American studies. She writes and speaks on Black politics, social movements, and racial inequality in the United States.
This Event is Sponsored By:
Asian Pacific Islander Student Alliance | Bayanihan | Black Student Union | MEChA | Student Alliance of Native American & Indigenous Peoples | Education for Sustainable Living Program | Student Environmental Center | Student Media Council | TWANAS | Vietnamese Student Association | African American Resource & Cultural Center | Asian-American Pacific Islander Resource Center | Cantú Center | Center for Racial Justice | Cultural Arts and Diversity Resource Center | El Centro | Institute for Social Transformation | Legal Studies Program | Womxn’s Center | CoCurricular Programs Office | John R. Lewis & Kresge Colleges | Anthropology | Community Studies | Critical Race & Ethnic Studies | Education | Latin American & Latino Studies | Politics